The “container generation” have been both deposited and then carried around in their portable seats for hundreds of hours more than their parents. Consequently they have missed out on their required “tummy time” (i.e. time spent on their tummies where they are lifting their heads and supporting their own body weight) which is supposed to help them to assist with their motor and sensory development. This message came out from the early sessions at the physical literacy conference. As the day developed though we were made more aware of the need to support kids learning of the basic ABC of movement (attention, balance and coordination), and subsequently help students develop a movement vocabulary akin to a spoken one. Throughout these discussions physical literacy was held up as an approach through which these ideas could be achieved. In considering how this might occur a keynote suggested that physical literacy might be considered as a pedagogical model. However, the development of firm teacher and student behaviors about, and around physical literacy was not universally welcomed as some considered it more than a ‘simple model’. Some felt that reducing physical literacy was paramount to devaluing the well considered philosophy and disposition behind it.